Specialist Disability Accommodation

Believe Housing Australia is a registered Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Register your interest in our SDA today!

One of the goals of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is to enable people with disabilities to choose where they live and who they live with. As a NDIS registered SDA provider, the team at Believe Housing Australia manages a range of SDA-enrolled properties across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.


Specialist Disability Accommodation


As an SDA housing provider, Believe Housing Australia is creating more choice for people living with disabilities, by providing rental accommodation that supports them to achieve independence and meaningful participation in the wider community.


What is SDA and who does it support?

SDA is a type of housing designed to enable people living with disability who are eligible NDIS participants to receive the support they need to live in the community. People who are eligible for SDA funding are those with extreme functional impairment and/or those who have very high support needs.

SDA funding covers the capital (bricks and mortar) costs of the home and supports investment in high quality SDA dwellings. It is not personal support funding. SDA funding is used for disability modifications to enable the person to become more independent.

Accessing SDA funding

If you think you might be eligible for NDIS funding, please contact your NDIS support coordinator.

How much will I pay for my accommodation?

In addition to the SDA funding you receive towards your SDA property, as an NDIS participant you will be expected to pay rent calculated at:

  • 25% of the Disability Support Pension


  • 100% of your Commonwealth Rent Assistance

SDA-enrolled properties

SDA funding can only be paid to a registered NDIS provider with a SDA-enrolled property. All Believe Housing Australia disability properties are SDA-enrolled.

The information in your Housing Plan will decide which SDA housing design category will best support your independence. SDA payments will appear as a ‘capital support’ in your NDIS Plan. There will also be information explaining the dwelling type, the SDA design category and the location funded in your NDIS plan.

How is SDA calculated?

Funding you receive for SDA is specifically to cover the cost of the housing—including the land it is on. The amount of SDA funding included in your NDIS plan will depend on a range of factors such as the building type, how many people you live with, the location and any additional features.

What will I need to do?

Believe Housing Australia will ask you to sign a tenancy or occupancy agreement that complies with the NDIS. You will also need to enter into an agreement with your support provider for a support plan. The Believe Housing Australia team will work with your support provider through a Partnering Agreement.

When you move into a SDA-enrolled home, we will arrange for your SDA funding to contribute to the cost of your accommodation.

Please contact us.

SDA Vacancies

We have a range of SDA-enrolled homes across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia. If you are registered for SDA and looking for housing, have a look at our current vacancies.

Enquire today

Are you approved for SDA through an NDIS plan? Are you looking for a new home to suit your lifestyle?
Complete the form to register your interest in Specialist Disability Accommodation

More Information

Your Rights

Find out about your rights as an SDA tenant

Formerly known as AnglicareSA Housing, Believe Housing Australia continues to be a part of the AnglicareSA family and remains a subsidiary company of AnglicareSA.

Get in Touch

Visit one of our four locations in metropolitan or regional South Australia, give us a call or contact us online.

We express our gratitude to the Traditional Owners and Custodians for their continuous care of this ancient Country for thousands of generations and for the sharing of this land that was never ceded.

We recognise and respect the wisdom of Elders past, present, and those to come, and extend this to all First Nations Peoples and their living cultures.

We walk softly alongside First Nations Peoples as allies committed to seeking guidance, listening with purpose, and acting with courage in our future together.

Always was, always will be.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors to Believe Housing Australia’s website are advised that this website may contain images, names and voices of people who have died.