How to Make a Payment

Find out how to make a payment to Believe Housing Australia, or work with our Income Recovery Officers to develop a payment plan.

Payment Options

Believe Housing Australia accepts payments in person, online, at ANZ branches or via mail.


In Person

Pay in person with cheque, EFTPOS or money order (and your remittance) at Believe Housing Australia’s Elizabeth Grove or Regency Park offices.

Please note that cash and credit cards are not accepted.

Elizabeth Grove
Shop 1, 60 Fairfield Road, Elizabeth Grove

Regency Park
491-499 South Road, Regency Park


At any ANZ branch

Take cash and your remittance to any ANZ branch, and quote your Tenancy ID number.

Internet Banking

Account Name: Believe Housing Australia

BSB: 015-210
Account number: 3518 69963
Reference: Your Tenancy ID


Send your cheque or money order along with remittance to:

Believe Housing Australia
491-499 South Road
Regency Park SA 5010

Are you struggling to make payments?

Need to set up a payment plan? If so, please contact your Income and Financial Recovery Officer to arrange a payment plan.



Formerly known as AnglicareSA Housing, Believe Housing Australia continues to be a part of the AnglicareSA family and remains a subsidiary company of AnglicareSA.

Get in Touch

Visit one of our four locations in metropolitan or regional South Australia, give us a call or contact us online.

We express our gratitude to the Traditional Owners and Custodians for their continuous care of this ancient Country for thousands of generations and for the sharing of this land that was never ceded.

We recognise and respect the wisdom of Elders past, present, and those to come, and extend this to all First Nations Peoples and their living cultures.

We walk softly alongside First Nations Peoples as allies committed to seeking guidance, listening with purpose, and acting with courage in our future together.

Always was, always will be.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander visitors to Believe Housing Australia’s website are advised that this website may contain images, names and voices of people who have died.